This week I lost my grandfather and I wanted to honor him by giving others an opportunity to give to a cause he believed in. The day I posted about him I got a private message from a family member saying ” How dare you use “my brother’s death to raise money for yourself, SHAME on you!”
I was shocked and hurt that someone in my own family could have so little a clue about what I have been doing here the last 11 years for orphan children. It seems the message in the 1.5 hour Blood Brother movie, depicting my service to the children didn’t come across to her.
My point is every child comes to us from somewhere. Each with their own story with their own pains. For example The three sisters below came to live in our home two weeks ago. Their ages are ten, seven, and five. They watched their father get angry and punch their mother in her face knocking her back into a steel gas cylinder which split her skull right down the back.

She was rushed to the hospital with severe hemorrhaging in her brain. The doctors managed to save her life but from that point forward. She is brain dead. After their father left them they were brought to our home and embraced into our family.
This is what our friends and families money goes to. We have a five year old who’s world has been totally shattered but because of people’s giving we have a safe place for her to rebuild pieces of what she lost.
This week the sisters saw their first movie in a theater, The Lion King. I know that doesn’t bring back what they lost but for at least a little while they maybe able to forget what they lost. They laughed out loud as they interacted with the movie.
“If you’re not in the arena also getting your butt kicked then I’m not interested in your feedback.” – Brene Brown